Monday, October 4, 2010

JOATMON Syndrome

So, I was talking to my mom today.  I talk to my mom pretty much everyday - she's the best mom!!
Anyways, we were talking about ADD and how it seems to run in the family.  We have a very difficult time sitting still, doing any one thing for any length of time.  My brother KA's girlfriend spent a week with us at my parent's cabin and her comment was - "Whoa!  Give that girl some Valium!!"  Whether fishing, boating, hiking, shopping, campfire - yea, I was busy.  Same thing goes for my whole family - we are always going and doing and then when we are bored with that, we go and do something else.
Anyways, so I'm thinking, so what if I'm ADD.  It's never caused problems for me.  I sailed through Grade School and University with top marks and scholarships.  Not to toot my own horn, but - Beep, B-Beep, B-Beep, Beep, Beep!!!
My aunt said how she made 71 teddy bears (very nice ones - I've seen them), but I'm sure by bear 3, I would have thought, "well, I know how to make teddy bears.  Now, what can I do".
My mom read somewhere that you need to do something 10,000 times to become an expert at it.  I don't think I've ever done anything 10,000 times in my life.  Except maybe wipe butts.  I've probably done that about 10,000 times.  One mother of 6 children X 365 days X 3 times a day X 2 years divided by 1 father not so keen on butt wiping = 13,140. Well, how about that!! I'm an expert butt wiper!  Beep, B-Beep, Beep, Beep!!
Anyways... my point being that I like to try lots of different things and don't seem to stick to one thing for anything length of time.  Some people might refer to that as ADD, but I've come up with a more positive name for my disorder:  Jack-Of-All-Trades-Master-Of-None Syndrome.  JOATMON Syndrome for short. I can do lots of things - bake, cook, sew, Registered Nurse, geaneolgy, reading, raise chickens, turkeys, geese, horses, garden and can all my produce, camp, hike, fish, shoot, triathalons, sports,.... I can do lots of things, I'm just not REALLY good at any of them.   Alas, the difficulties of living with JOATMON Syndrome.
You know, I don't even care though.  In fact, I embrace my disorder.  I love doing lots of different things and have many interests.  Actually, I've always wished there was more time in the day so I had more time for other interests, too.
I'll be certain to send this to my sister, who is sure that I have ADD.  Won't she be elated to hear that it's not    ADD at all, but something that is so much more positive and fun to live with.
Me and my youngest hiking

Dutch oven cooking - it's a nasty picture of me but I really got into dutch ovens this summer.
I have to run, we are going to ride our  horses.

1 comment:

  1. I was laughing so hard, Angie! You are deffinately(?) allowed to BEEp you own horn!!
    I think I have JOATMON syndrome too. Jay and I were actually just talking about that today (how I have ADD). Anyways, good post!!
