Thursday, October 7, 2010

Miss Holt: an A+

Today was an emotional day.   A friend and our children's teacher was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer last week.  We had made Shauna a card and I went to the palliative care unit to drop it off.  I didn't intend on seeing her because I know she's been in a lot of pain and I didn't want her to feel she needed to put on a brave face for me.  When I got there her mom was there - who is also a good friend of ours.  My husband and I have gone on a few trips with them and have always respected them and appreciated their friendship. I had been emotional all day just thinking about Shauna.  She is only 39 and a wonderful person.  When I saw Shauna's mom, I broke down - I couldn't help it.  Her mom said Shauna is very at peace with her diagnosis.  We went in to see Shauna and though she was very weak she looked lovely.

My daughter, JB, who had Shauna as a teacher last year is having a very difficult time with this.   JB has always been afraid of death.  She was born 11weeks early and very, very sick.  She was septic, on a ventilator, bowel problems, blood pressure problems, bleeding in the brain, seizures, ... you name it.  I know she came very close to death and I think subconsciously she remembers it.  She had many prayers said on her behalf and received blessings and is definitely a miracle baby.   If you were to see how strong, beautiful, athletic, and smart she is, you would have no idea that she was once so sick, but I think the memory of it is still somewhere inside her.

Anyways, my son, AD, was trying to comfort JB a couple days ago, when she was having a particularly difficult time dealing with Shauna's diagnosis.  The words that he spoke to her were the exact words that I was thinking before he spoke - "She passed the test".
That's how we feel about Miss Holt.  We believe that she more than passed the test, she got an A+.  She is a great teacher and friend.

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