Saturday, October 9, 2010

How much fun can you have with a chicken? Let me count the ways.

It was Gibson Thanksgiving dinner today.  All the Gibson's, my aunt & cousin, & our good friend Bill all came out to the farm for a wonderful day of good food and great company!  We had loads of fun playing with the chickens, skeet shooting, I managed to supersonically cook a 25 lb turkey in 3.5 hours, kick the can, electrocution, blow dart fun, talk of misplaced eyebrows growing 1 1/2 inches overnight (sorry mom), and Jeff managed to protect most of his dinner from Auntie Neen's thieving hands.

I love my chickens and guineas!!  I'm sure I'll have more to say about them at a later date, but one of todays highlights included putting the chickens to sleep.  Grandpa taught us how to do this a few years ago and it's always great fun!
Country kids - we're easily amused.

Piling grass on top of a sleeping chicken

My brother has a go at it

Grandpa & Uncle teaching AR

TaDa!! - my nephew

I'm so proud!!  (sniff, sniff...)

The kids had lots of fun stair sledding - with only a few minor injuries (you know, the funny kind).

NG riding a horse down on his sled

This hurt as bad as it looks (but it made for a great picture!!)

A Gibson Family Tradition - Kick The Can
Grandpa happy that he FINALLY caught someone!
The kids trying to be sneaky and Grandpa trying to peek under to see who it is.

Grandma trying the same 'sneaky' trick.  I've gotta be honest - it wasn't that hard to figure it out, Grandma!

The kids each had a turn in Grandpa & KA's Sheet Ride (until they finally tuckered out - Grandpa and Uncle I mean, not the kids).

The looks Grandpa & KA's faces cracks me up.  I think we're going to be needing some Robaxacet.

To top off the evening, AD managed to prove his mighty hunting skills again and blow dart a mouse in the chicken coop!  Good on ya!!!  Anyone up for a midnight snack?

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